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#442 — A scenic picture taken of a Komodo Dragon lizard seen in the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, Washington. The Komodo Dragon is the world's largest lizard and a powerful, intelligent meat-eater. It is an endangered species and they are living on only a few islands in the South Pacific. It was not called the Komodo dragon until an American adventurer used that name in the 1920's. The Komodo Dragon is an interesting animal that has razor-sharp teeth and poisonous saliva and eats up to 80% of its own body weight in a single meal. The primary prey for adult dragons is the Sunda deer, but they also eat birds, snakes, fish, crabs, snails, small mammals, pigs, water buffalo, eggs, wild horses and younger Komodos.
Komodo Dragon Lizard

#730 — A close up picture taken of the Komodo Dragon lizard located at the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, Washington. The Komodo Dragon is an interesting animal that has razor-sharp teeth and poisonous saliva and eats up to 80% of its own body weight in a single meal. The primary prey for adult dragons is the Sunda deer, but they also eat birds, snakes, fish, crabs, snails, small mammals, pigs, water buffalo, eggs, wild horses and younger Komodos. Komodo dragons are also scavengers, and will eat almost any type of carrion. The Komodo Dragon is the world's largest lizard and a powerful, intelligent meat-eater. It is an endagered species and are living on only a few islands in the South Pacific.
Komodo Dragon at Zoo