Last updated on June 30th, 2023 at 09:12 am
When my husband and I traveled to Hawaii to get married, we spent the next two weeks visiting two Hawaiian Islands: Kauai, and The Big Island. On the Big Island, we were intrigued by the spot we heard about where you can see lava entering the ocean coming from Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

We found the area to start the hike to the location not really knowing how long it would take. 3 hours into our trekking, we finally made it! We did not expect it to take that long, but we continued going, nonetheless.
The site was a spectacular sight to see. When we arrived, it was still light, and we wanted to wait until the sunset we could see the lava light at night. I’m glad we waited to see it because it was a sight I will never forget.
After we stayed and photographed as much as we could we decided to trek back to our car. This proved to be a difficult situation as now it was pitch dark outside and we did not come prepared. We had one little, tiny headlamp to share to find our way back in the dark. The trail consisted of a high cliff right along the edge of the ocean. We managed to make our way back 3 more hours in the dark. Without any issues, we were very thankful we made it back!
Look at the gallery below to see some more of my favorite Hawaii photos that I have photographed. The gallery below contains the photo above as well as other related pictures. This photo is available to buy as a print or digital download.
I started out using 35mm point and shoot cameras, then upgraded to a 35mm DSL camera when I was in college. Finally, the world of digital DSL cameras was introduced. Gone are the days of having to wait for your film to be developed to see what you captured. From that point on, photography has been so much fun!
As a photographer, I draw inspiration from both the natural world and human experience. I strive to capture moments of raw beauty and to use photos as a testament to the power of storytelling through imagery. I am a firm believer that memories last a lifetime and are more precious than any physical thing you could own. Through my lens, I like to provoke connections between the viewer and any memories my photographs can bring back to life.