Last updated on December 27th, 2022 at 10:35 am
The Fiery Furnace is a hiking trail for advanced hikers located in Arches National Park. My husband and I A scenic close-up picture of a Washington State wildflower called Foxglove.
This is a pink or purplish wildflower that comes from the Figwort Family and the scientific name of “Digitalis purpurea.” Foxglove is a European invasive that has been rapidly spreading into the Washington backcountry. Look along most lowland roadsides from spring to late summer and you’ll probably see these 2′ to 8′ spires of deep pink. They are long tubelike flowers that grow in rows along the upper portion of the stalk. The leaves are soft green, with a texture almost like wool. Foxglove wildflowers like to grow in disturbed soil at lower elevations.
The name “foxglove” was derived from the shape of the flower and because of their habitat which was commonplace for fox dens.
Camera settings for this foxglove photo:
- Camera Body: Canon EOS 20D
- Shutter Speed: 1/400 seconds
- Lens Aperature: f/5
- Focal Length: 168 mm
- ISO: 100
- Image Quality: JPG
Look at the gallery below to see some more of my favorite flower photos that I have photographed. The gallery below contains the photo above as well as other related pictures. This photo is available to buy as a print or digital download.

I started out using 35mm point and shoot cameras, then upgraded to a 35mm DSL camera when I was in college. Finally, the world of digital DSL cameras was introduced. Gone are the days of having to wait for your film to be developed to see what you captured. From that point on, photography has been so much fun!
As a photographer, I draw inspiration from both the natural world and human experience. I strive to capture moments of raw beauty and to use photos as a testament to the power of storytelling through imagery. I am a firm believer that memories last a lifetime and are more precious than any physical thing you could own. Through my lens, I like to provoke connections between the viewer and any memories my photographs can bring back to life.